Emery Turns Two!

I can not believe that this little munchkin is going to be turning two! I feel so blessed to be a part of her and her family's lives. Tina (Emery's mom) and I worked together and when she found out she was pregnant I asked her about taking some maternity photos. I was still growing in my photography and wanted all of the shooting opportunities I could get! 

Emery was welcomed into the world soon after Tina's maternity session. So, I went to the hospital (with my camera of course!) and took some newborn photos of this sweet girl. Pretty soon this family felt like part of my own! I can't believe how quickly Emery has grown, especially when I look back at all of her photos from the past two years. 

We decided that we would do an in home session, as we had done the year prior, for these birthday pictures. The morning began with Emery and her mom baking some cookies. Cookies at 10 am....YUM! As we waited for the cookies to finish baking, Emery decided she wanted to do her cake smash! She LOVED it!! After she ate all the cake that she wanted we moved on to milk & cookies, because dessert after dessert is the best way to start your morning right?! Who doesn't want their mornings to start off like that?! I couldn't believe all of her sweet expressions and her personality, this little girl has my heart! 

To burn off some energy we decided to go outside and play! 

** Note to Parents** Don't worry if your kids run around and play during a session! Let them do it! This makes some of the most priceless images, because it's your kids being exactly what they are...kids! They're having fun, they're happy, it's great! 

Emery played in her tent for a while, mom chased her up and down the back yard (that definitely got some giggles!), and we wrapped up our session with a stroll down the driveway in Emery's sports car! 

Happy Birthday Emery! We can't wait to celebrate you and spend the day with you! You are such a blessing in our lives and we couldn't be more thankful and blessed to have friends like you and your family! 

** Don't forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more sneak peeks, galleries, and news!** 

Facebook: Brittney Beeler Photography 

Instagram: @brittneybeelerphoto