Creative Session | Courtney | Claiborne County Fair Grounds | Tazewell, Tennessee

Hey everyone!!

It’s been a minute since my last blog post. I was actually working on my 2018 - A Year in Review post when I realized I never posted some other sessions and blogs from 2018. Whoops!! Nobody’s perfect right?

Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing those posts periodically. I’m excited to reflect back on some of the special moments and memories that happened in 2018.

We are taking it back to summer for this blog post. You all know that creative/modeling sessions are my favorite thing to photograph. So if you add a county fair with all the lights and vibrant colors to that.. I’m on cloud nine! Courtney and I had previously discussed doing a fair grounds session and she asked if it would be okay for her family to join in. Absolutely! The more the merrier!

We had tons of fun just walking around and finding the perfect background for photos. We knew that we wanted to wait until dusk to start utilizing all of the lights so we killed some time just enjoying ourselves. I mean why not? You’re at the fair!

It was when we started shooting again that I realized, I had never photographed any night time photos. I always shot during the day. The game had changed entirely and I just went with what I knew, find the light. So that’s what we did! After this session I learned that I loved night photography. It creates a new mood and a new feel to your images. It can also pose a challenge!

The thing that I appreciate most about photography is where it takes me and what it teaches me. It teaches me that if I’m presented with a new challenge to face that challenge head on, not to throw in the towel because you never know what you will learn.