Simmons | Newborn Lifestyle | Knoxville, Tennessee

"Before you were born, we dreamed of you, we imagined you, we prayed for you. Now that you are here, we hope for you, we love you, we thank God for you." 

This sweet family has had quite the journey throughout the years. When I was younger, Holly and I went to church together. She and her sister (who are also twins) were some of my favorite people to hang out with. I always admired them and looked up to them. As I grew up and things changed, as they always do, I sort of lost touch with them. We were Facebook friends and would like each other's post here and there and comment on a photo or two. I knew Holly had gotten married and was anxiously awaiting for her to announce that she was pregnant! 

Things didn't happen in their time, but in God's time,  and the blessings that He has given them are photographed in the images below. The day Holly announced that she was having twins, I literally sat at my computer screen and cried...we are talking crying like watching the ending scene of The Notebook crying lol I was so thrilled for her and her husband. I knew this was something they both wanted so very much! 

Holly and Daniel, thank you both so much for inviting me into your beautiful home to photograph your two new little blessings! They are absolutely beautiful and a true testament to God's love and faithfulness.  

Brittney Beeler