Heather and Eli | Anniversary | Knoxville, Tennessee

" There is my heart, and then there is you, and I'm not sure there is a difference." - a.r. asher

Golden hour, sunflowers, and a dip in the water... this session was so much fun! Heather and Eli have been together for two years now and I couldn't be happier for them. When you're around them you feel like you've been friends your entire lives (ummm...Heather and I sort of have known each other our entire lives seeing that we are cousins lol) 

Also, just a little bit of information for those who have not yet been to the sunflower fields. It is CROWDED during the sunflower's prime time! When we got there my husband and I had to park at the quarry and walk over to the fields. Everyone goes nuts for these beauties! Why? Because they are here and gone so quickly.

After walking around in the sunflower fields for a little while we decided to make our way to the quarry. Heather had told me that she wanted to take some photos in the water whenever we made it to the quarry, that was a definite must! I love being able to just let my couples be...them! I want you to have fun on your session. I want it to feel like a fun date night! We splished and splashed around in the water and then... jumped off the dock!! Such a fun ending to a sweet session!! 

Brittney Beeler